Gülnur Ekşi was born in Sinop, Turkey in 1981 and graduated with a biology degree from the University of Hacettepe in 2004. She is currently researching the genus Allium L. for her PhD at the University of Ankara. Her formal training in botanical art came from Christabel King and she is now a fully established botanical artist working on a wide range of projects including the new Flora of Turkey. Since 2007, Gülnur has been a visiting botanical artist to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in order to prepare paintings for ‘Plants from the Woods and Forests of Chile’ and to teach botanical art. Gülnur has regularly exhibited her paintings of Chilean plants at BISCOT (Botanical Images Scotia), Edinburgh and at the RHS Botanical Art Show in London where her work has been rewarded with Gold Medals. Although Gülnur has prepared most of the 36 paintings for this book from plants growing at RBG Edinburgh she has also travelled to Chile to paint species that are currently not in cultivation.
T: +44 (0) 131 248 1050
F: +44 (0) 131 248 2901
Email: cmep@rbge.org.uk